MBSD Competition Team
Our award winning competition team is a constant source of pride and joy for our studio. For almost 20 years, we have been competing regionally and nationally, earning both awards as well as new experiences and dance opportunities for our team members. Awards earned by our team include Studio of Excellence, Top Studio, Choreographer of the Year, and many more dance-specific awards.

Interested in Joining our Team?
Being part of a competition is a big commitment and requires more extensive training than recreational classes. Most competition team members are at the studio between 3-5 days a week at various classes and rehearsals.
Outside of the studio, dancers are expected to practice their routines and skills when at home to further perfect their dance education and be more prepared while rehearsing.
Sound like fun? Keep scrolling to learn more!
Ages & Team Levels
Our competition team ranges in age from 5-18. We have 4 different team levels/classes that separate the team by their age and dance ability: Petites, Juniors, Majors I, and Majors II.
Member Expectations
If you are looking to become a team member, there are many responsibilities that you and your family must commit to.
Strict Attendance Policy: Dancers are only allowed to miss their competition dance practice 2 times each year.
Technique Classes: In addition to their regular classes and competition dance practices, dancers are required to take a technique class each week.
Additional Fees: In addition to paying for regular class fees, there is an additional monthly payment for competition classes. Separate from monthly payments, there are fees to compete at each competition. There is also a costume deposit for competition costumes that is separate from the recital costume deposit.
Competitions: During the winter/spring, dancers and their families must be prepared to set aside full weekends to compete at regional competitions. Additionally, one week in the summer to compete at a nationals competition in another state. All competitions are mandatory and often come with mandatory classes.
Year in Review
The competition season begins in August for team members.
Dancers will start with one week of technique classes followed by two weeks of choreography classes where they will learn and audition for new team dances.
They begin dance practice at the same time as recreational dancers in September and continue through the year until the last competition of the season is completed in June or July.
Important Dates
In January, the team performs their new routines at our annual team showcase.
Beginning in February, they will begin to compete (usually monthly) at various regional competitions until April/May.
Dancers then perform at recital in June.
In June/July, team members will compete at a national competition in another state, usually lasting 1 week.
Our Commitment
In addition to improving our dancers skill and education level, we strive to provide them with new experiences, memories, and life skills that will benefit them long after they exit our team.
There is a lot to commit to on our team, but the result is worth it

Ready to Join the Team?
Contact us at (810) 280-0403 to get started and see if the
MBSD competition team is right for you!